Historias 9 – Monica Rankin

Published by Steven on

How did Nelson Rockefeller attempt to cultivate positive relationships with Latin America during World War II and what are the legacies of this initiative for inter-American relations?

Dr. Monica Rankin speaks with Steven about her forthcoming book on the Office for the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. In addition, she speaks about her role as the Director for the Center for U.S.-Latin American Initiatives and what brings her to Buenos Aires.


The podcast was recorded at the historic El Hipopótamo in the San Telmo neighborhood of Buenos Aires, which provides the background soundtrack.



Additional Resources:

Mark Burkholder, Monica Rankin, and Lyman Johnson, Exploitation, Inequality, and Resistance: A History of Latin America Since Resistance (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017)

Monica A. Rankin, Mexico, la patria: Propaganda and Production during World War II  (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2010)

Monica A. Rankin, The History of Costa Rica (Greenwood, 2012)

1942 film produced by Rockefeller’s OCIAA


Associate Professor of History at Wingate University. Texas and Ohio State graduate. Massive Longhorns fan. And I like a nice margarita too.