Sturgis Leavitt Award Recipients


Award Winner

2023-24Jeffrey Erbig, “Afterlives in Captivity: Indigenous and penal deportation in southeastern South America,” Atlantic Studies (2023): 1-25.
2022-23Paola Uparela, “‘Yo llana estoy’ o el despliegue de una virginidad queer,” Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades / Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies 48, no. 1 (2022): 53-74.

Honorable Mention: Christopher Heaney, “Skull Walls: The Peruvian Dead and the Remains of Entanglement,” The American Historical Review 127, no. 3, (2022): 1071–1101.
2021-22Sarah Foss, “Rumors of Insurgency and Assassination in the Ixcán, Guatemala,” Journal of Social History 55, no. 1 (2021): 105-126.

Honorable Mention: Diana Montaño, “Ladrones de Luz: Policing Electricity in Mexico City, 1901-1918,” Hispanic American Historical Review 101, no. 1 (2021): 35-72.
2019-20Fernanda Bretones Lane, “The Congress of Vienna and the Making of Second Slavery,” Journal of Global Slavery 4, no. 2 (2019): 162-195.
2018-19Lily Pearl Balloffet, “Argentine and Egyptian History Entangled: From Perón to Nasser,” Journal of Latin American Studies 50, no. 3 (2017): 549-577.

Honorable Mention: Lina Del Castillo, “Entangled Fates: French-Trained Naturalists, the First Colombian Republic, and the Materiality of Geopolitical Practice, 1819-1830,” Hispanic American Historical Review 98, no. 3 (2018): 407–438.
2016-17Steven Hyland Jr., “Arabic-speaking Immigrants Before the Courts in Tucumán, Argentina, 1910–1940,” Journal of Women’s History 28, no. 4 (2016): 41-64.
2015-16Aaron Coy Moulton, “Building their own Cold War in their own Backyard: The Transnational, International Conflicts in the Greater Caribbean Basin, 1944-1954.” Cold War History 15 (2), 2015: 135-154.
2014-15Benjamin Cowan, “Rules of Disengagement: Masculinity, Violence, and the Cold War Remakings of Counterinsurgency in Brazil.” American Quarterly 66 (3), 2014: 691-714. 
2013-14María del Carmen Collado, “Entrepreneurs and Their Businesses during the Mexican Revolution.” Business History Review 86 (4): 719-44.
 2012-13Matt D. Childs, “Gendering the African Diaspora in the Iberian Atlantic: Religious Brotherhoods and the Cabildos de Nación.” In Sarah E. Owens and Jane Mangan, eds. Women of the Iberian Atlantic. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2012.
2011-12Rebecca J. Atencio, “A Prime Time to Remember: Memory Merchandising in Globo’s Anos Rebeldes.” In Ksenija Bilbija and Leigh A. Payne, eds. Accounting for Violence: Marketing Memory in Latin America. Duke University Press, 2010.
2010-11Natalia Milanesio, “Food Politics and Consumption in Peronist Argentina,”; Hispanic American Historical Review 90 (1), 2010.
2009-10Timothy Hawkins. Indiana State University. “Napoleonic Subversion and Imperial Defense in Central America, 1808-1812.” In Belaubre, Christopher, Jordana Dym, and John Savage, eds. Napoleón et les Amériques: Histoire atlantique et empire napoléonien. Toulouse: Collection Méridiennes, 2009.
2008-09Michael J. Pisani (co-authors: Chad Richardson and J. Michael Patrick)”Economic Informality on the U.S.-Mexican Border: A (Re)View from South Texas.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 23 (2), 2008: 19-40.
2007-08Thomas D. Rogers. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “‘I Choose This Means to Be With You Always’: Getulio Vargas’s Carta Testamento.” In Vargas and Brazil: New Perspectives.Jens R. Hentschke, ed. (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2006), pp. 227-255.
2006-07Lyman Johnson and Zephyr Frank. University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Stanford. “Cities and Wealth in the South Atlantic: Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro before 1860,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 48:3 (July 2006).
2005-06Angela Willis. Davidson College. “Revisiting the Circuitous Odyssey of the Baroque Picaresque Novel: Reinaldo Areans’s El mundo alucinante.” Comparative Literature (Winter 2005) 57: 61-83.
2004-05Gregory S. Crider. Wingate University. “Radical Rhetoric, Repressive Rule: Sindicato Power in the Atlixco (Mexico) Countryside in the Early Twentieth Century.” In Transatlantic Rebels: Agrarian Radicalism in Comparative Context. Ed. James C. Scott and Thomas Summerhill, 193-220. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2004.
2003-04Timothy Hawkins. Indiana State University.
2002-03Juan Carlos Rodriguez Cordero, “(Re)equilibrios politicos en Costa Rica: el poder constituyente y el control de constitucionalidad,” South Eastern Latin Americanist 45:3-4 (Winter/Spring 2002):15-28.
2001-02Stephen Morris. University of South Alabama. “Between Neo-liberalism and Neo-Indigenismo: Reconstructing National Identity in Mexico,” National Identities 3:3 (2001):
2000-01Jeffrey Bortz
1999-00Bruce Wilson
1998-99Kathleen Logan Martín
1997-98Jürgen Buchenau, “Inversión extranjera y nacionalismo: lo paradójico de la política internacional de Porfirio Díaz,” Dimensión Antropológica 3 (1996):7-24.
1996-97Robert Neustadt, “Diamela Eltit: Clearing Space for Critical Performance,” Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, New Hybrid Identities: Performing Race/Gender/Nation/Sexuality 7:2-8:1 (1995):219-239.
1995-96Richard V. McGehee, “Revolution, Democracy, and Sport: The Guatemalan ‘Olympics’ of 1950,” Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies 3 (1994): 49-81.
1994-95John Britton, “The Disappearance and Rediscovery of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1940),” Journal of Development Studies, 1994:203-218.
1993-94Thomas M. Leonard, “Central America and the United States: Overlooked Foreign Policy Objectives,” The Americas (July 1993):1-30.
1992-93Joseph L. Arbena, “Sport, Development, and Mexican Nationalism, 1920-1970,” Journal of Sport History 18:3 (Winter 1991):350-364.
1991-92Ronn F. Pineo, “Misery and Death in the Pearl of the Pacific: Health Care in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1870-1925,” Hispanic American Historical Review 70:4 (1990):609-937.
1990-91Roland Ebel and Ray Taras, “Cultural Style and International Policy-making: The Latin American Tradition.” In John Chay (ed.), Culture and International Relations. New York: Praeger, 1990, pp. 191-206.
1989-90Robert M. Levine, “Mud-Hut Jerusalem: Canudos Revisited,” Hispanic American Historical Review 68 (Aug. 1988):525-572.
1988-89José Luis Gómez-Martínez, “La presencia de Ortega y Gasset en el pensamiento mexicano,” Nueva revista de filología hispánica 35:1 (1987):197-221.
1987-88No award.
1986-87Gilbert M. Joseph and Allen Wells, “Summer of Discontent: Economic Rivalry among Elite Factions during the Late Porfiriato in Yucatan,” Journal of Latin American Studies 18 (Nov. 1986):255-282.
1985-86Louis A. Pérez, Jr., “Vagrants, Beggars, and Bandits: The Social Origins of Cuban Separatism, 1878-1895,” American Historical Review 90 (Dec. 1985):1092-1121.
1984-85Allen Wells, “Yucatan: Violence and Social Control on Henequen Plantations,” in Thomas Benjamin and William McNellie, eds., Other Mexicos: Essays on Regional Mexican History (Albuquerque: U of New Mexico Press, 1984):213-241.
1983-84David McCreery, “Debt Servitude in Rural Guatemala,” Hispanic American Historical Review 63 (Nov. 1983):735-759.
1982-83Judith Ewell, “The Development of Venezuelan Geopolitical Analysis since World War II,” Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs 24 (Aug. 1982):295-320.
1981-82[tie] Jeff Brannon and Eric Baklanoff, “Goal Ambivalence of a Semi Autonomous Public Enterprise: Cordemex,” SECOLAS Annals 12 (1981):39-53.


Susan M. Sucolow, “Women and Crime: Buenos Aires, 1757-1797,” Journal of Latin American Studies 12 (May 1980):39-54.

1980-81Gilbert M. Joseph, “The Fragile Revolution: Cacique Politics and Revolutionary Process in Yucatan,” Latin American Research Review 15 (1980):39-64.
1979-80Louis A. Pérez, Jr., “‘La Chambelona’: Political Protest, Sugar, and Social Banditry in Cuba, 1914-1917,” Inter-American Economic Affairs 31 (April 1978):3-27.