Historias 116 – El legado cultural de las soldaderas y las mexicanas afrodescendientes con Christina Arce

La Dra. Christine Arce habla de su libro Mexico’s Nobodies: The Cultural Legacy of the Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women con Carmen Soliz.
La Dra. Christine Arce habla de su libro Mexico’s Nobodies: The Cultural Legacy of the Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women con Carmen Soliz.
The Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) is a non-political and non-profit association of individuals interested in Latin America established in 1953. Its objectives are the promotion of interest in Latin America, scholarly research pertaining to Latin America in all fields, and the increase of friendly contacts among the peoples of the Americas. SECOLAS is a 501(c)3 organization.