Historias 88 – Los agregados obreros peronistas con Ernesto Semán

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Esta semana en Historias en español tuvimos el grato placer de tener en el programa al historiador argentino Ernesto Semán para dialogar sobre su libro Ambassadors of the Working Class: Argentina’s International Labor Activists and Cold War Democracy in the Americas.

Este libro, concentrado en la historia de los agregados obreros durante el gobierno de Perón, constituye un invaluable aporte a la historial social, política, y trasnacional.

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The Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) is a non-political and non-profit association of individuals interested in Latin America established in 1953. Its objectives are the promotion of interest in Latin America, scholarly research pertaining to Latin America in all fields, and the increase of friendly contacts among the peoples of the Americas. SECOLAS is a 501(c)3 organization.