Sarah Hines

Sarah Hines is an assistant professor of Latin American history at the University of Oklahoma. She received her PhD in Latin American history from the University of California, Berkeley in 2015. She is the author of “The Power and Ethics of Vernacular Modernism: The Misicuni Dam Project in Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1944-2017” (Hispanic American Historical Review 98:2 [May 2018]) and Water for All: Community, Property, and Revolution in Bolivia, 1879-2019 [University of California Press, 2021]. She previously taught at Smith College and the University of Maine at Machias before joining the faculty at University of Oklahoma in 2018.

Working with Primary Sources

The following text is a fragment of the book El Libro Blanco De La Reforma Agraria; 1953. The text is a transcription of a speech by the then Minister of Foreign Affairs Walter Guevara Arze who in Quechua language explained to the peasants the objectives of the agrarian reform. The text shows that -in addition to land- the government guaranteed free access to water.

El Libro Blanco De La Reforma Agraria.; 1953.

Text in Spanish

A continuación de la firma del Decreto, el Canciller de la Republica, Dr. Walter Guevara Arze, se dirigió a los campesinos en una amplia exposicion en qulechua, en cuyas partes salientes, dijo:

-“Les voy a explicar lo que dice este Decreto que acaba de firmarse, con esta medida, estamos cumpliendo lo que habiamos prometido. La tierra es ahora de quienes la trabajan, la tierra ahora les pertenece a Uds. Tienen que saber, que la tierra de estos valles es buena pero pequeña. En la cordillera si bien es grande, no es tan buena: por eso, esta Ley dice: la tierra ha de ser distribuida en forma equitativa y justa, para favorecer a todos los campesinos”.

Manifesto tambien, que junto con -este Decreto, se firmaran otros que lo complementarán, habra una oficina que se encargara de hacer cumplir lo que la Ley ordena y que les proporcionara el dinero para que paguen los terrenos, con grandes ventaijas, de manera que, todos Uds. y todos los campesinos de Bolivia pueden cubrir el valor de sus propiedades con trabajo propio remarcó: “la tierra será de quien verdaderamente la trabaje”.

-“Con este Decreto -añadió, ya no hay obligación de trabajar en forma gratuita para el patron, cuando el patron les pida trabajar, Uds. tienen que pedirles el salario correspondiente”.

“Las aguas que antes se alquilaban o vendian para trabajos de agricultura, ahora son gratuitas y todos tienen derecho a ella”.

El Canciller indicó que no habia necesidad de violencias, y que el campesino boliviano debia cumplir con todas las disposiciones que el Gobierno de la Revolucion Nacional adopta. sobre Reforma Agraria. Agregó tambien, que las violencias pueden causar trastornos al pais y que, por ello exhortaba a la tranquilidad y al trabajo, porque era necesario defender esta gran conquista de la tierra. Este diseurso, fue escuchado con profundo interés por todos los campesinos, por la forma clara de la exposicion.

Text in English

Following the signing of the Decree, the Chancellor of the Republic, Dr. Walter Guevara Arze, addressed the peasants in an extensive presentation in Qulechua, in whose salient parts, he said: 
– “I am going to explain to you what this Decree that has just been signed says, with this measure, we are fulfilling what we had promised. The land now belongs to those who work it, the land now belongs to you. You have to know that the land in these valleys is good but small. In the mountain range, although it is big, it is not so good: that is why this Law says: the land must be distributed in an equitable and fair way, to favor all the peasants”. 
He also stated that together with this Decree, others will be signed that will complement it, there will be an office that will be in charge of enforcing what the Law orders and that will provide the money to pay for the land, with great sales, so that all of you and all the peasants of Bolivia can cover the value of your properties with your own work, he remarked: “the land will belong to those who truly work it”.
-With this Decree,” he added, “there is no longer any obligation to work for free for the employer, when the employer asks you to work, you have to ask them for the corresponding salary”. 
“The waters that were previously rented or sold for agricultural work, are now free and everyone has the right to it”. 
The Chancellor indicated that there was no need for violence, and that the Bolivian peasants should comply with all the provisions adopted by the Government of the National Revolution on Agrarian Reform. He also added that violence could cause disturbances to the country and that, for this reason, he urged tranquility and work, because it was necessary to defend this great conquest of the land. This speech was listened to with deep interest by all the peasants, because of the clear form of the exposition. 
Source: Bolivia. El Libro Blanco De La Reforma Agraria.; 1953.

We thank Sarah Hines for providing this source.