Session 2, 3:30pm-5:00pm

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5. Intersections of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Mexican Literature and Film

Location: Wine Room

Chair: David S. Dalton, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Continuidad y cambio: el paradigma de la Malinche y los triángulos amorosos en Xicotencatl

Madison Green, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

The Lack of Medical Resources Available to Indigenous Women in Rosario Castellanoss Ciudad Real

Perla Pinales Frutos, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

The Undermining of Queer and Feminist Agendas in Julio Hernández Cordóns Cómprame un revolver

Sarah Wyble, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Discussant: David S. Dalton, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

6. Comensal Vulnerability: Three Perspectives on Food and Eating in Contemporary Peru

Location: Churchill Room

Chair: Silvana Rosenfeld, High Point University

“My need is to feel calm … and not have to worry about what I will eat tomorrow”: Food security in a

            group of older adults during the first wave of Covid-19 in Lima, Peru

Lorena Rey Evangelista, Pontificia Unviersidad Católica del Perú and PRISMA NGO / Centro de Investigación del Envejecimiento (CIEN)

Gifts, guinea pigs, and development

Silvana Rosenfeld, High Point University

“Mi necesidad es mi comida, somos adultos mayores que ya no producimos, pero estamos consumiendo”: Eating citizenship during the first wave of the Peruvian Covid quarantine 

Rodney Reynolds, High Point University

Discussant: Dr Matthew Sayre, High Point University

7. Networks, Institutions, and the Environment in the Colonial Atlantic World

Location: Mayfair Room

Chair: Ralph Frasca, Wingate University

A Tincture of Madness”: Benjamin Franklin’s Caribbean Printing Partnerships

Ralph Frasca, Wingate University

Coerced Values: Lashings, Law, and Power in Spanish Florida, 1680-1700

Keith Richards, Tulane University

A Ring of Fire: Navigating the Turbulent Terrain Surrounding Santiago de Guatemala and the Volcán de Fuego

Megan McDonie, Susquehanna University

Thinking about the Dead in the Cathedral of Santo Domingo in the Second Half of the 17th century

Juan José Ponce Vázquez, The University of Alabama

8. Activisms of Remembrance, Inclusion, and Exclusion

Location: Parlor Room

Chair: Steven Bunker, University of Alabama

Situating Universities in National Memory Projects: Local Truth Commissions in Brazil

Colin Snider, University of Texas at Tyler

Tránsitos y resistencias de activistas feministas en el Foro Mundial de la Bicicleta: nuevas

            aproximaciones al derecho a la ciudad

Eva Nohelia Pasapera, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

The Public Life of an Image: Shock, Controversy, and Symbolic Use of the Del Rio Border Patrol


Corrie Boudreaux, The University of Texas at El Paso