Call for Submissions – 2022 Thomas Book Award competition

Published by SECOLAS on

The Alfred B. Thomas Award is awarded annually for the best book on a Latin American subject published by a SECOLAS member in the previous year. Co-authored works may be considered, but not anthologies or edited works. Books may be in any language. Authors must have been members of SECOLAS for the two calendar years preceding the year in which the prize will be awarded and the year the award is given.

Selection of the winning book is made by a committee of three members, at least one of whom is not a historian, selected by the Executive Committee. Members serve for three years on a rotating basis.

For this year’s competition, authors must have been members of SECOLAS in 2020 and 2021 and in good standing in 2022.

This competition is for books published in 2021.

DEADLINE: have your publisher send a copy of the book to each member of the committee postmarked no later than Friday, 31 December 2021.

Award Committee:

Angela Willis (2022, Chair)
PO Box 7065
Davidson College
Davidson, NC 28036-7091

David Dalton (2023)
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Department of Languages and Culture Studies
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

Leigh Ann Wilson (2024)
Contact Dr. Wilson at [email protected] for mailing instructions
School of Arts & Science
University of Massachusetts Global


The Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) is a non-political and non-profit association of individuals interested in Latin America established in 1953. Its objectives are the promotion of interest in Latin America, scholarly research pertaining to Latin America in all fields, and the increase of friendly contacts among the peoples of the Americas. SECOLAS is a 501(c)3 organization.