Nesvig has earned honorable mention for Promiscuous Power

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Martin A. Nesvig of the University of Miami earned an honorable mention for his book entitled Promiscuous Power: An Unorthodox History of New Spain from the Alfred B. Thomas Book Award Committee.

The committee said of his book, “Nesvig employs archival research to construct a narrative of local politics in early colonial Mexico. In contrast to many authors that discuss either colonial power or indigenous resistance, he brings to light the resistance of Michoacán’s Spanish residents to the imposition of power by both the state and the church. With chapter titles such as ‘I Shit on You, Sir; or rather, An Unorthodox Lot of Catholics Who Didn’t Fear the Inquisition,’ Nesvig provides a humorously irreverent portrait of New Spain beyond Tenochtitlán.”

Congratulations from SECOLAS.


Associate Professor of History at Wingate University. Texas and Ohio State graduate. Massive Longhorns fan. And I like a nice margarita too.